Making Plans
Entering Kiefer’s office, the next morning Genesis was in a far better mood than she’d been the last few days. Both she and Lorcan slept soundly after their frantic lovemaking the night before and woke refreshed.
He’d kissed her soundly before getting up to start his day insisting, he was going to do a light workout in the gym. He promised to let Kiefer and Tadgh monitor him and not to overdo it. Any protests fell away when he told her if he could get his heartrate up the way
he had the night before when he’d bent her over the bed, then he could manage a slow jog on the treadmill.
“Don’t you look chipper,” Kiefer called from where he sat at his computer. He smiled at her before he turned back to his screen. “In fact, I think your smile this morning matches Dad’s.”
She shrugged and moved to sit on the sofa. “I feel like I finally got a good night’s sleep.”
“Good. Your father is on his way. He’ll be here in about twenty minutes. He wants to talk with us about you learning more about your family. I believe his brother Xenik is coming with him. He is excited to meet you.”
“So long as his family is friendly and not murderous like his uncle, I’m good to meet them.”
“And Egan?” Kiefer asked turning to give her his undivided
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attention. “Can Egan meet your father and uncle?”
“What do you think?” she asked Kiefer and noted his surprise at the question. “He’s your son too, Kiefer. What is your opinion?”
“Despite my jokes this week, I want our son to lead this family. I’m not willing to let Egan go to take over the Sokolov family.” He grinned suddenly, “you can have Tadgh’s baby, and he can run them.”
She snorted, “you do realize you both have similar DNA. It’s quite possible I have your baby instead of Tadgh’s and nobody would be the wiser.”
“My kids will always be smarter than Tadgh’s,” he laughed as she shook her head at him.
“Pretty sure you both have the same IQ.”
“Nope,” Tadgh said as he came into the room. “My intelligence is superior to Kiefer’s. I’m also better looking.”
“And yet both of you are nothing but the remnants of my ejaculate and inferior to me in every way,” Lorcan commented as he led a man into the office. “Princess, this man is my head of security and my medical treatment provider, Eoin. Eoin, this is my princess.”
“Hi Genesis.” Eoin grinned at her. “I watched your video of what you did to Laoise and the Russian guy. I’d be thrilled if you ever wanted to take on some of our work with the females. We don’t have many female soldiers.”
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“Deal,” she grinned and then yelped when Tadgh swept her up in his arms and plunked down in a chair with her in his lap. “What are you doing?”
“Getting you away from Eoin. He’s checking you out.”
“He wouldn’t dare. He knows it would get him shot.” Lorcan smacked his son in the back of the head. “How long before Nazar gets here?” He asked Kiefer.
“Fifteen minutes, give or take. Genesis and I were just discussing if we’re going to allow for Egan to meet him.”
“Nazar went to battle for both of you, and before either of you say it was his fault for leading the mercs here, he owned it, apologized, and made restitution. His flight attendant was scattered over the Atlantic.”
“Gen?” Kiefer looked to her. “What do you think?”
“I’m good. I think it will be fine. He’s been decent so far.”
“He does want you to go to Russia with him. I’ve already. declined on your behalf,” Lorcan sat down and kicked his feet up on a table.
Jerren came into a room and looked at Kiefer, “the tutor you hired for Egan might be a problem.”
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“Her boobs are bigger than Monica’s. Your son is not learning anything about reading and writing and arithmetic. If he
goes into medical sciences, he’s going to be a plastic surgeon specializing in tits.”
Genesis groaned. “What is his problem?”
“I don’t even know. Maybe you breastfed him too long.”
“It is not because of me that your son is obsessed with boobs.”
“I swear he’s fixated.” Jerren grunted as he leaned against the window behind Kiefer’s desk.
“I’ll talk to him,” Kiefer sighed. “He needs to know how to respect a woman. I can’t have my son being a pervert.” He shot his father and brother an irritated glance. “Last night in the tub there were more questions about penis, buttholes, and bodily functions than I ever wanted to face. I want to encourage his curiosity but it’s a bit much.”
“Make it science based.” Lorcan suggested.
“Get him a forensic dummy with musculature and the like and have him see the inside of a body and what makes a body move, function. Take it away from the aesthetics of a body and more to the science. If he’s looking at things from a scientific point of view, he might stop looking at breasts as things to covet and more of a normal body.” Lorcan shrugged.
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Kiefer was immediately typing on his laptop to order it. In minutes, Kiefer and Jerren were both scrolling through a bunch of différent dummies and snickering at what they were uncovering.
“They’re for science not to be used as blow–up dolls,” Genesis reminded the men who looked up to find the rest of the room shaking their heads at them.
“Right.” Kiefer cleared his throat and ordered what he wanted. “It’ll be here next week. I’ll be in Europe when it arrives.”
“You’re going to Europe?” Genesis looked at him in surprise.
“Yes. I’m doing Dad’s trip. It was part of his agreement to be discharged from hospital early. I take his trips to Europe for the next six weeks. He’s not allowed to fly.”
“When do you leave?”
“Sunday night. I’ll be back by Thursday. I thought about asking you to come with me, but I’ll be in back–to–back meetings and full out for four days straight. I also want you here watching Dad. to keep him in line,” he smirked as his father cursed him, “and also Egan is heading back to classes on Monday.”
“You’ll be gone four days?”
“Are you going to miss me?”
“Yes.” She didn’t deny it.
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“And to think a couple of weeks ago, you were telling me you hated me and wanted me dead and were going to leave me the minute my back was turned.”
“Yeah, but only because I forgot how good the sex was.” She
pressed her lips together to stop herself laughing as Tadgh snickered as he held her tight on his lap. She looked at Tadgh, “it is good.”
“I’m sure it is.”
“We’ll revisit this conversation when Eoin and Jerren aren’t in the room,” Kiefer sighed, “but I agree with you, my love. Now, I think the front gate is texting Jerren to say Nazar and Xenik are here.”
“I’ll collect them,” Eoin stood up from his spot next to Lorcan. “I’ll stop by the kitchen and check to see where your drink is.”
“What drink?”
Eoin winked at Genesis, “a medicated one which has electrolytes and such things in it. We’re also going to hook him up to an IV
once your guests are gone.”
“He agreed? Impressive,” she smirked at Lorcan who wagged his finger at her.
“Tread lightly, princess.”
“We have already established you’ll need new punishments if you want to deter me from being sassy.” She looked at Tadgh
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excitedly, “I really liked my spanking last night and so did Daddy. He got pretty carried away to the point he was talking about the four of us in the same room.”
Kiefer shook his head, “I do not want to see Dad’s junk hard. I already feel inferior to consider it takes two of us to give you what he can do on his own.”
Jerren weighed in, “none of my business but if I were you Kiefer, there is no way in hell would I want to see your father in action with my wife. I’d probably curl into a fetal position and kiss my manhood away.”
“Damn right,” Lorcan boldly grabbed his junk.
“Tadgh,” Genesis turned on his lap as she felt him respond to the conversation under her bottom. “What on earth?”
“Are you kidding? I’ve been saying ever since we started this little poly relationship how much I want to watch you and Dad. He’s my hero and I want to watch him give you pleasure. I’d be jacking off like a madman watching him fuck you.”
“I’m going to go get Egan. You four might want to settle this conversation before Genesis’s father and son come into the room.” Jerren made a hasty exit.
“You want us all in the same room, for real, Dad?”
“I don’t know. Last night Genesis and I engaged in a bit of ass play. There’s no way she can take me yet. I find the notion of her taking a cock in the ass incredibly sexy. I think she needs to start
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“Hey now,” Kiefer frowned at him. “Play nice.”
“Smaller than me then,” Lorcan chuckled and caught the
Kiefer threw at him.
“I’m in,” Tadgh said.
Kiefer leaned back in his seat, “I want to see Genesis wrecked.”
“What?” Genesis looked at him in confusion.
“I have a tough time reconciling all the nasty things these two want to do with you as something you want because I always think of how sweet and loving you are. When Tadgh and I were with you in my old office, I realized how much I like you getting pleasure. If,” he stared at Lorcan, “we agree to this, then I want to see Genesis get so much pleasure she’s nothing but a ragdoll when we’re done with her. No holds barred. She can have her
safe word, and we’ll make sure she doesn’t get hurt but if Dad is going to push his boundaries and be in the room with us, I want to push my boundaries and see Genesis enjoy the pain she likes.“.
“Kiefer, you don’t like it when I’m hurting.”
“But you do like it. If Dad can be uncomfortable watching us fuck your ass, then I want to see you getting reamed hardcore by Dad.”
She turned her head to face Lorcan and he gave a nod.
Making Plans
“Fine. When you come back from Europe, we will arrange a sitter for Egan, maybe he can spend some time with Monica and Jerren, and the four of us will spend time together.”
The sound of men’s voices coming into the house carried towards them and Genesis hissed.
“What?” Tadgh asked with a grin.
“I’m going to see my father and meet my uncle with my panties soaked. It is not cool.” She wriggled on his lap while her three partners roared with laughter.