chapter Eighteen: Jealousy
Samantha’s POV
Before my gaze locked onto the pair, I avoided looking at Theo.It was very hard to process how I felt. I never believed I could be capable of being so envious and resentful.
When Daniel left me for Mia, I was devastated, no doubt about
- it. My heart ached, and every part of me felt crushed, but this
was different.
This strange feeling brewing inside me was unlike anything I
had ever experienced before. Perhaps it was because my wolf
and I united in our envy, as we fixed our gaze on this mysterious
woman who was super possessive of Theo. I could feel the
deep connection between them and was already threatened by
- it.
ow worse w
she declared Theo as the most important
person in her life. It made loud alarms blare in my mind, warning.
me that this was a potential danger and a rivalry I wasn’t sure I
was ready for.
The silence outside was strong. It was a heavy quiet, but within me was a storm of thoughts and emotions jumbled in my head:
chapter Lighteen Jealousy
doubts, and questions that refused to be silenced.
“Are you all right?” Samantha asked me. Theo tilted his head to the side and didn’t take his gaze off me.
“Y…yeah. I’m fine.”
Luci’s gaze remained fixed on me. “You haven’t answered my question,” she pointed out. “Theo seems to have faith in you. I just want to know…”
“Leave her alone,” Theo intervened and pulled her behind him. “Samantha has given it her all. She has made lots of sacrifices that, if it were possible to yank out her heart and give it to me on
a platter, she would.”
He paused to see my reaction, but I remained motionless, and he stared at me as if trying to read my thoughts before his eyes
returned to Luci.
“She has been with Alex in the lab trying to make the antidotes
Luci’s eyes softened. She seemed grateful, but my stomach
twisted in anxiety. I couldn’t shake off the feeling that she was a
threat. I wanted to know her connection to Theo.
Theo seemed like he was on the last string of his patience. “Are you satisfied with my answer?” he said to Luci. Gently but firmly,
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he guided her towards the door and made sure his grasp was on
her arm.
Luci resisted and was quite playful with him. “Awww come on!
Don’t be a hoarder. Can’t I just get to know her a little better? Let
me introduce myself and then I’ll leave you lovebirds alone.”
“She’s not comfortable around you. We were busy before you
came in.”
“Oh no, it’s fine, she can stay,” I protested when Theo turned to
give me an apologetic look.
“You must ignore my little sister. She is very overbearing and intrusive. But I assure you she means well.”
Holy shit.
A lump formed in my throat, and my ears felt impossibly hot and burned with embarrassment. My relief was mixed with a dose of mortification.I felt stupid for assuming the worst about Theo and Luci’s relationship.
I couldn’t blame myself entirely. Luci had been all over him, acting loved up. I blamed my own dysfunctional upbringing that had left me unable to recognize sibling affection even when it was so obvious.
I forced a laugh and tried to shake off the awkwardness. At the
chapter Eighteen Jealousy
same time, I also felt like bursting with joy when Theo shot me a warm smile. Thank the goddess that he hadn’t noticed my earlier envy. That would have been embarrassing.
Luci grinned wildly, and I noticed she liked to verbalize her thoughts and feelings without hesitation. She moved about,
unable to stay still.
“You’re absolutely stunning, and something tells me Theo has
never mentioned that to you. He doesn’t know a good thing,
even when it is glaring in his face.”
She faced her brother. “You have outdone yourself. I feared that
you might go frolicking with the girls in this pack. All they know is to gossip, but I am relieved.”
“Shut up, Luci,” Theo muttered.
“Oh, you know I’m telling the truth. I mean seriously, you’ve not
been serious about anyone before.”
Theo seemed happy, but he was controlling his emotions with. intent. Luci was indeed a handful and quite the opposite of her
Luci grew more animated. She reminded me of a child excited on Christmas morning to receive gifts from Santa.
“There was a point where we thought he was into men. Not that
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we had anything against it, but we just wanted to know who the person was because Theo here never looks at women.”
My laugh was throaty as I fought hard to suppress it.
“Okay, talkative, that’s enough,” Theo said and lifted his sister up. She giggled and tried to jump off his body. I was worried because of the poison in his body and his fading scars, but he
didn’t seem to mind.
“Get the fuck out of my room.”
Luci kept going, spilling out her words joyfully. “If it weren’t for this damn poison, I’d say we’re looking at a match made in heaven. I endorse this relationship right here and now. I can’t wait to see little Theos and little Samanthas running around the
My face burned. Her energy was so infectious and hard to
resist. Even Theo couldn’t hide that he was amused and smiling.
When she managed to slide off her brother’s body, she ran back
to me and extended her hand for a handshake.
“We have to be friends, and that’s not a request. I promise you
my company is fun. Well, if you can endure Theo’s boring…”
“If you don’t stop talking, I’ll bundle you out of my room,” Theo warned. Luci continued to chat away and throw playful jabs at
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her brother. The mood had lightened to a bubbly warmth. I
found myself smiling along with her, and my initial discomfort
melted away.
Though I didn’t contribute much to the conversation, I was
happy to simply soak up her humor as that was very much needed. Theo endured his sister’s ribbing and exchanged banter
with an ease that I had never seen before. Even though our
problems were not over, it was nice to have some happiness
infused into our lives.
The conversation was paused when Alex walked into the room,
announcing that Theo had to go with him to the Dark Moon
Luci’s gaze was filled with longing, but she looked away. Alex
hadn’t noticed Luci because his gaze lingered on me, possibly
wondering if there was a fight between Theo and me.
But when he saw Luci, he blinked in surprise. Then, without a
word, he sprang into action and began leaving the room as if
escaping her presence. Theo was laughing, and I wondered why.
“Stop running like a headless chicken and keep Luci company,” Theo said between laughs. “Take her away. She’s choking Samantha with questions.”
Alex’s footsteps faltered, and his eyes darted towards the door
Chapter Eighteen: Jealousy
and then drifted back to Luci. I could tell that the two had
I watched Luci and Alex leave the room and turned to face Theo,
who was chuckling.
“What was that?”
He lowered himself onto a chair. “My sister is madly in love with
my friend. That is just the summarized version.”
I nodded, catching the drift. “Why did Alex say you have to go to
the Dark Moon pack? Isn’t that dangerous?”
Theo looked at me, analyzing my reaction. “Would you want to
come with me?”