Wrong Mate Right Time Chaper 27

Wrong Mate Right Time Chaper 27

chapter TwentySeven: Conflict of Interests 

Alex had to practically drag me down the stairs back to the 

party. We walked back into the room and I couldnt stop 

myself from dwelling on what my fathers passcode could 

  1. be. If I could just get my hands on the antidote I would be able 

to leave and never set foot in this place ever again

My eyes scanned the crowd, landing on Black who was standing 

on the other side of the room. The mask had been good for 

more than just disguising him, it also made it easy to pick him

out in a room full of people

I made it halfway across the room before noticing my father 

was watching me. I stopped next to Theo, but my father

continued staring. My anxiety started to grow as Father nudged 

Daniel and gestured toward us

Something bothering you?Theo whispered in my ear

I found it fascinating he could still read me so well even through

the mask

100m worried we may have been noticed,I whispered back

slightly nodding toward the two

Theo turned his head and took in the scene

I cant blame them, you re captivating,” he replied in

low seductive tone. Let them look. Reacting to their attention 

will only give them more of a reason to pry. Dont worry, 10 

ll take care of everything.” 

His words reassured me that everything would be alright. As 

long as I kept calm, everything would be over soon. My heart 

started to beat fiercely as I watched Daniel making his way

toward us through the groups of people

I was about to get Theo✪✪s attention again when someone

burst into the room yelling

Alpha Eric! Wheres the Alpha?” the soldier shouted

causing all the guests to fall silent and direct their attention

toward the interruption

Here, now, whats going on?my father replied, hurrying

over to speak with the injured soldier

It looked like he had been involved in a fight. His uniform had 

been ripped to shreds and his left hand was clutching a serious- 

looking injury. Blood seeped out of other cuts visible to 

everyone in the room. Theo and I moved in closer to find out 

what happened as the other guests whispered around us. It was safe to say, to my absolute relief, we were no longer the center 

of attention

Alex slid up next to me just in time, as he had been heading for 

the open spot right beside me. Were being attacked on the 

border. They came out of nowhere, we never saw them coming

the soldier explained, panting through his pain

Who? Who is attacking us?my father asked sternly

My father sounded concerned, causing a moment of unease in 

the room. I was worried. I didnt even live here anymore, but 

I couldnt stop myself from caring about what was going on 

at the border. The injured soldier hadnt replied fast enough

and my father grabbed him by the shoulders and started 

shaking him

Answer me, damn it! Who is attacking us?he bellowed

The poor messenger just shook his head, unable to identify the 

enemy. I found myself compelled to rush up and prevent my 

father from hurting the guy. Before I had a chance, Alex reached

over and took me carefully by the arm. I suspect he could feel 

my intentions, or maybe it was something he would have done

Alpha Eric dropped the soldier to the floor. I must go see what 

s going on at the border. Please, enjoy the rest of the party and I will be back for the grand ceremony.” 

He then hurried out of the room, leaving stunned guests and the injured man on the floor. I turned to Theo and had a moment of 

suspicion. He hadnt reacted at all to the ordeal that had 

just played out before us. I couldnt help but wonder if he 

had something to do with what was going on

Dont think that way,” Aurora scoffed

Nice for her to suddenly make herself known. As annoyed as

was by her scolding, she was right. Theo wouldnt do 

anything if he thought it would put me in danger

The party came to an end with no sign of my father. The guests 

dispersed to prepare for the upcoming ceremony. Theo and

had been provided a room in part of the building I had never 

seen. It was only reserved for the eliteguests who would

come to visit. As soon as we were behind closed doors

removed the stuffy mask

All I could think about was how to get my hands on the antidote 

and who was attacking the Dark Moon pack. I looked over to 

find Theo studying me closely. He hadnt removed his mask

yet, and I found it difficult to read him

I can see this is really bothering you,he said, closing the 

distance between us before I was able to blink. If you want me 

to help them, all you need to do is say so.” 


Before I could say anything, the door to our room flew open and my father rushed inside. Theo acted quickly and stepped. between my father and me. I quickly put my mask back on and, lucky for me, the old man hadnt seen my face

Alpha Cade, I require your assistance,my father announced, his Alpha tone booming in his voice

Theo straightened his back and approached Father as an equal

holding his gaze with a strength only an Alpha has

When I chose my youngest daughter to take on the role of Alpha of our pack, I promised her I would do everything in my power to give her a ceremony to remember. She s been 

through so much and worked hard to earn her position,my 

father explained.. 

Aurora growled in the back of my mind and I could feel anger 

clouding my judgment

What would I have to gain from helping you, Alpha Eric?Theo 

replied coldly

Any assistance you need in the future will be provided from the 

Dark Moon pack, no questions asked,my father answered

expecting an instant agreement

I need to think about it,” he answered, causing my fathers 

elaster Twenty Seven Conflict of Interests 

expression to drop

Ill await your answer, then,Father stammered before 

storming out of the room

Alex hurried over and closed the door, turning around while 

mocking Alpha Eric

Ill await your answer,” he mocked in a highpitched goofy 

voice. Mia❖❖s my perfect little princess, after all.” 

I couldnot hide my frustration, even with the mask covering 

my flushed cheeks and tearfilled eyes. Theo shot Alex a look

causing the doctor to stop his taunting

Im sorry, Samantha. The guy just gets under my skin. Do 

you really want us to help that spoiled brat after she stole the 

position of Alpha from you?he asked kindly

I was torn, so many emotions were hitting me at the same time 

and I couldnt think clearly. On one hand, I still care about 

what happens to the pack. Not everyone had treated me 

horribly. But on the other hand, it would mean helping the people 

who had abused me for years. I turned toward Theo. He had

spark of anger in his eyes, looking more menacing than ever

What do you think?I asked, determined to follow his lead

Wrong Mate Right Time

Wrong Mate Right Time

Status: Ongoing


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