chapter Thirty: A Change of Heart
Daniel rushed into the room, anger seeping out of every pore. I couldn♦♦t stand in the hallway any longer, pretending I didn
◆t care about what was going on behind closed doors. I
stepped into the room right behind Daniel.
Mia stood before us, the straps of her dress pulled down to
reveal the lace lingerie clinging tightly to her heaving bosom.
She tried to reach out to Theo, placing her hands against his
chest. The Alpha of the Crescent Pack ignored her advances.
Jealousy crept up in my mind as I watched her touch Theo.
“What are you doing?” Daniel screamed.
Mia stopped trying to get Theo◆◆s attention and started fixing
her dress. She pulled the straps back up, frustrated she hadn
♦t gotten a reaction from the Alpha.
“Its none of your business what I was doing. Im the
future Alpha of the Red Moon, and I�♦ll do as I see fit,” she
Daniel looked as if he was going to lose it. Part of me enjoyed
seeing him so upset. I knew exactly how he felt standing there,
exactly as I had stood before him once.
Chapter Thirty, A Change of Heart
“Alpha Eric requests your presence,” Daniel informed Theo through clenched teeth. “He is waiting in his office for you.”
As soon as his message had been delivered he turned on his
heels and left the room. Mia started huffing and stomping her
“Daniel, dont you walk away from me!” she screamed,
storming out of the room after him.
Theo made his way over and closed the door behind them,
locking it. “Well, thats going to be one happy union,” he
joked, turning around to face me.
I hadnt been able to find my voice. Its as if my brain
was so shocked by the parallel situation it had just shut down.
Theo hurried across the room to me, clearly noticing something
was wrong.
“Samantha, say something,” he demanded, placing his strong
hands on my shoulders and giving me a little shake.
“How could she?” I blubbered, trying not to let my emotions take
over.“She wants to be your mate.”
“Samantha, you know I would never,” he answered quickly,
taking his mask off so I could see the honesty in his eyes.
Theo reached up and slowly took my mask off, allowing the cool
chapter Thaty A Change of Heart
air in the room to caress my flushed cheeks. He gently placed
the tip of his thumb against my chin, lifting my face to his.
“Are you jealous of Mia?”
I didnt want to answer that. Of course I was, who wouldn
◆t be? But I didn�❖t want him to know that. I turned my face
away, afraid he would see the truth in my eyes and know I was
forming an attachment to him.
He led me to a chair in the corner and sat down, pulling me onto
his lap. I leaned into him, taking in his familiar scent. It calmed
me and brought comfort to my troubled heart. I felt his fingers
running through my hair and I wished to stay in the moment
“I would never, ever, listen to a single thing that ugly shrew of a
woman says. Mia is poison, and I dont entertain ridiculous
offers from toxic women. Do you understand?” he purred
I nodded my head. Not because he asked me to, but because I
actually believe him.
“By the way, how did you know she wanted me to be her mate?”
he asked, catching me off guard.
“I Well, you see,” I stuttered. “I�Well,
Thirty. A Clunge of Heart
Theo just smiled and shook his head. “So, do you want to come.
with me to see your father?”
I nodded, adorning my mask once more. We made our way
down to Fathers office and stepped inside, closing the door
behind us.
“Alpha Cade, Im glad you came,” Father said, his smile
lifting the wrinkles next to his eyes. “I wanted to thank you for
thinking so quickly and buying me more time to figure this out.”
So Alex had been correct. Theo was helping my father, he knew
the other Alphas would have taken action without his
interference. I felt embarrassed that I had doubted him.
“I want you to know that I dont believe the Dark Moon pack
is behind these poisonings. Someone is trying to destroy your
pack,” Theo said soberly.
“Do you know who would attempt such a thing?”
Theo ignored his question and continued. “More specifically, I
believe they want you dead, Alpha Eric,” he added.
It took everything in me not to react to Theo♦♦s theory. Why
hadn♦ ♦t he said something to me before? Sure, my father isn
♦♦t the most liked Alpha around, but who would want him
Chapter There A Change of Heurt
“100m willing to do whatever it takes to keep my pack safe,
even if that means sacrificing myself in the process,” Father
Aurora howled in the back of my mind, echoing the pain I felt in
my chest from hearing my father talk about dying. No, I wouldn.
◆t allow it. I must have done something that drew attention,
because when I looked up my father was watching me. I looked
into his eyes for only a moment before lowering my head toward
the floor.
Theo saw what was happening and intervened.
“I understand what you mean. As an Alpha, I too would do
whatever it took to keep my pack safe. The only thing that
would worry me is if I were to leave this world with regrets,”
Theo explained, shifting his position to draw Father♦♦s
attention back to him.
“That too weighs heavy on me,” my father said, sadness mixed
with his words. “I only want my daughter to be happy, and well
provided for. Shes the only one I would worry about if I die.”
I thought I was going to be sick. Hearing him talk about Mia like
that was just too much.
“Im sure Mia will be fine,” Theo replied, sounding slightly
Chapter Thirty & Change of Heart
“100m not talking about her. 100m talking about my
firstborn, Samantha.”
I was dumbfounded. Had he been talking about me? Since
when? I couldnt believe what I was hearing, and I thought
about reaching out to comfort him. The only thing that stopped
me was a voice in the back of my head telling me not to do
“Alpha Cade. I just want to know that my Samantha is safe and well provided for. Please promise me you will find her and take
better care of her than I ever could,” my father begged, tears
streaming down his face.
Theo stood still, studying my father as if he were a mysterious
creature newly discovered.
Alpha Eric looked up. “I know you are suffering from a serious
poisoning that no one can cure, but I can. Promise me you will
find Samantha and take care of her, and I will give you an
antidote that◆◆s sure to heal you.”
I couldn♦♦t stand there and listen anymore. After I pardoned
myself with a bow I hurried back up to my room and closed the door. Why had he said that? My father had never really shown
that he loved me. The door opened and Theo slipped in, closing
the door quickly behind him.
Chapter Thirty A Change of Heart
“Are you okay?” he asked, concern clinging to every word.
“No, I just dont understand. If he felt that way about me
why had he allowed such terrible things to happen to me?” I
stuttered in confusion.
Theo walked over and took me in his arms. There was comfort
there and I allowed myself to feel safe.
“Maybe he truly does love you, but had to hide his true.
emotions,” he whispered, holding me tightly.
“How do you think he knew about your poisoning?”
Theo chuckled. “Your father is the most knowledgeable person I
know when it comes to poisons.” he replied.
“I suppose you◆◆re right,” I answered with a yawn.
The day had been longer than I expected and I suddenly felt
“I♦♦ll let you get some rest,” Theo replied, kissing me softly on
the forehead.
I would have protested his leaving, but I was too tired to do so.
Instead, I watched with a heavy heart when he left my room. Despite lying down I couldnt manage to fall asleep. I tossed
and turned, trying to reach out to Arora in vane. I was trying to
figure out why she wasnt answering me when a sudden commotion started just outside my room. I slipped my mask
back on so I could peek out without being identified. I made it halfway across the room when my door had been flung open.
and Theo hurried in.
“We♦♦re under attack!” he snapped. “I need to get you out of
We ran out into the hallway where fighting taking place all
around us. Theo led me down the stairs, pushing assailants over
the rail as he went. As we hit the bottom step I glanced over
toward my fathers office. I couldnot just leave him. If
there was a chance he really did love me I wouldnt abandon
him in a time of need.
“I cant just leave,” I had announced, pulling Theo behind me
as I darted for Fathers office.
Theo hadnt argued with me or fought my need to protect
my father. He hurried along behind me, kicking the door open so
we could rush inside.
We entered the study to find Father struggling with two masked
men. He may have been brilliant when it came to poisons, but
as a fighter, he was lacking. The two had the upper hand. Father
was on the ground as they kicked and stomped him everywhere.
I screamed, running to my Fathers aid without thinking
hapter Thirty. A Change of Heart
about the two aggressors.
Alex had joined us in the room, summoned by Black through at
mind–link. Before I could reach my father, Theo, and Alex rushed
past me and grabbed the two men. They beat them relentlessly.
as I assisted my father in climbing to his feet. Both enemies
were flung across the room, landing a short distance from the
“Wait, dont kill them,” my father yelled, causing Alex and
Theo to lose focus.
The two assailants ran out the door while Alex and Theo were
distracted by my father. My father had dropped down to one.
knee and grabbed his arm in pain. Looking around, I discovered
an empty syringe with a bottle lying nearby. I gasped.
After picking up the bottle, I immediately knew what it was. My
heart sank.
Its a poison and it was developed by me!