chapter Seven: Secrets
Samantha’s POV.
I lay on my side on the bed, staring blankly at the cream walls. They confined me like a prisoner, and I had no access to the outside other than a small sliver of light peeking through the narrow window high above..
A guard was stationed outside my door. My heart felt heavy and my spirit crushed by Theo’s runaway.
Mia was winning. It was only a matter of time before they came for me again, to take my blood. I was right when a guard came in to prepare the instruments and sterilize the knife.
They didn’t care that my body was already weakened by the countless transfusions I had endured over the years. The effects were always the same: dizziness, fatigue, emptiness.
But I had grown accustomed to it, learned to push through the pain and the exhaustion. After all, what choice did I have? I had
to be a caring sister, donate my blood, and sacrifice my own
well–being for Almighty Mia’s survival.
The door creaked open. I expected the guards to draw out my blood. But instead, it was Daniel who entered with a tray of food
chapter Seven Secrets
in his hands.
My breathing became irregular when I looked over my shoulder to see Daniel standing there. His eyes were soft, and for a moment, I saw a glimmer of the person I once knew.
“I brought you some hot soup and fresh bread. You need to
regain your strength.”
“Your hypocrisy stinks to the high heavens. Why do you act like you care? Do you actually think your compassion means
something to me? Because it doesn’t.” My words flew out of my
lips in a frenzy.
Daniel placed the tray on the bedside table and sat beside my
“Samantha, I’m sorry I disappointed you, but I truly am devoted to you and your family. I didn’t intend for things to turn out this
“Well, you certainly caused a lot of damage when you decided to
have sex with Mia.”
When he tried to touch me, I slapped his hand away and glared
coldly at him.
“Get away from me. Do you realize how horrible your betrayal
feels? I thought you loved me, Daniel. That we were supposed
to spend our whole lives together. But you ignored me, lled to me until I caught you fucking my sister!”
Daniel winced and remained still. “Samantha, please. Let’s not
drag this out,” he begged.
“She sent you to take my blood, didn’t she? To humiliate me
even further?”
Daniel hung his head in shame.
“I thought so,” I scoffed bitterly. He closed his eyes and
swallowed hard.
“Mia needs blood. She’s weak and can’t get out of bed. This isn’t
new to you, Samantha. Let’s get this over with.”
I felt so betrayed, so hurt, and so disgusted by his attitude towards me. He chose his mate over me. My heart still
smoldered with his betrayal, but I didn’t want to dwell on it or give him the satisfaction of knowing how deeply he had hurt me.
He had made his decision, chosen my sister over me, and I
wouldn’t give him the pleasure of seeing me suffer. I wanted to stop revisiting memories of his rejection. I wouldn’t give him the
satisfaction of seeing me broken.
Daniel reached for my wrist and his fingers brushed against my skin with a gentle touch. But I ducked my head, avoiding hist
grasp, and his hand went still
When I looked up at him, I saw the quilt in his eyes. The fool didnt want to take my blood by force.
“Well, go ahead. What are you waiting for?
He was at a standstill, and I stared up at the ceiling. My eyes began to water, and I bit my lip and lowered my gaze in defeat.
Daniel’s hand still lingered in mid–air. He couldn’t bring himself
to take my blood, and we were at a standstill. His body was as tense as an iron board, and he kept gulping and exhaling to slow
his nerves. He couldn’t do it and looked like someone in
desperate need of rescuing.
It gave me joy to see him squirm.
“Don’t tell me you are afraid of blood,” I taunted with a wicked
smile. “Go ahead, Daniel,” I encouraged, my voice dripping with
sarcasm. “Do it for your lover.”
His shoulders sagged, and he withdrew his hand. Dad walked
into the room with a frown.
“Daniel, what’s taking so long? Mia has been waiting.”
My dad wouldn’t meet my gaze. He seemed guilty. It was almost comical how they both reacted, as if they were trapped in a
cycle of obedience to Mia’s every whim.
They recognized and encouraged her cruelty, danced to her demands, and expected me to understand.
“Dad, he can’t draw my blood. Do it yourself.”
My dad looked visibly uncomfortable. He nodded and took a step closer to me. I rolled up my sleeve, revealing the numerous scars on my wrists gotten from the countless transfusions I had endured. The skin was pale with thin lines crisscrossing the
surface like a spider’s web.
His eyes widened in shock as he took in the sight of my scars.
He had never seen them before, and I could tell he was
struggling to process what he was seeing.
Like a coward, he turned to Daniel and urged him to proceed
with the transfusion.
“Daniel, do it quickly.”
Daniel looked like a deer caught in the headlights.
“I can’t”
His voice trailed off, as though the mere thought of drawing blood repulsed him. I watched as his face turned a deep shade
of red and suddenly felt excited as I watched the two men in
front of me hesitate.
“Why are you being so cruel to me?”
He remained silent, and his eyes avoided mine. He always did
this. I was tired of his cowardice.
Daniel hesitated for a moment before speaking up, “Alpha, an
alpha should be strong enough to draw blood. Mia needs it.
“Oh, how surprising. A beta like you isn’t as strong as an alpha.
How utterly shocking. Mia needs to see her mate. A weak,
spineless beta who can’t even draw blood for her.”
Daniel remained silent and trapped. I sat up and fixed my gaze
on my dad.
“Did you ever love me? Did you ever see me as your daughter, or
was it always about Mia?”
He didn’t respond. I shook my head in disappointment.
“You never defended me, not even once. It’s always been about.
Mia. So, hurry up and do it. You’re an alpha; you shouldn’t be
afraid of blood. I’m no different from any of the other maids.”
I watched him pick the needle. His hands trembled as he
inserted it into my veins. His throat bobbed up and down as he
tried his best to control the shaking of his muscles.
The cold metal felt numb against my skin. He pulled the needle
out and wrapped my wrist. After the blood was taken, they left.
Daniel looked back at me before they departed, but I turned my
head away.
My tears tasted of salt and sorrow. I was too weak to cry and
my body was exhausted from the blood transfusion, but my
eyes refused to stop shedding tears.
I wiped away my tears and knew I had to leave; there was nothing left for me here. The Dark Moon pack had taken. everything from me: my dignity, my happiness. I was alone. I
had nothing to lose.
Theo’s face flashed in my mind, his intense gaze and his kind.
words. He was the only one who had ever shown me kindness, the only one who had ever made me feel like I was worth. something. But now he left, taken from me like everything else.
I made up my mind to run away from the pack, no matter how
hard that sounded.